报 告 人:胡译丹 副教授
报告题目:Engineering thickness-controllable catalyticbiofilm and its biotechnology applications
报告时间:2023年12月27日 16:00-16:30
胡译丹,中国地质大学(武汉)环境学院副教授。博士毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学环境科学与工程研究中心。胡译丹博士长期从事微生物被膜的合成生物学改造,尤其将光遗传学用于生物膜调控方面开展了一系列原创工作。相关工作发表在 Science Advances, ChemSusChem, Chemical Communications等期刊。胡译丹博士现担任 BioDesign Research青年编委。
Biofilms have beendemonstrated as promising biocatalysts for applications in environmental andindustrial biotechnologies. One of the most important factors influencingoverall performance of biofilm-mediated biocatalysis is biofilm thickness. Itis highly desirable to maintain the biofilm thickness within an optimal rangewhich allows for efficient mass transfer and biocatalysis. Optogenetic toolsare ideal for controlling biofilm thickness, as light is non-invasive, easilycontrollable and cost-efficient. I will present our work to engineer lightresponsive biofilms whose development can be modulated by light through lightresponsive c-di-GMP gene circuits in which the bacterial cells sense light toadjust its biofilm formation by regulating the c-di-GMP level. The engineeredbiofilms with a controllable thickness show promise in efficient and robustbiofilm-mediated bioprocesses. I will also briefly discuss the potentialapplication of light-responsive biofilms in bioelectricity generation, chemicalsynthesis and biofouling mitigation.