
11月18日 Frank Rheindt 副教授学术报告(生命科学学院研究生学术节系列报告)

发布者: 宋凤琴
浏览次数: 13

报 告 人:Frank Rheindt 副教授

报告题目:The build-up and loss of genetic diversity in Asian biota





  Frank Rheindt2008年获大利亚墨尔本大学遗传学博士学2009-2012年在哈佛大学从事博士后研究、合作导师Scott Edwards院士,2012年至今为新加坡国立大学生命科学系助理教授、副教授(终身教职),现为加坡国立大学生命科学系系主任。主要研究方向为群体遗传与比较基因组学,迄今为止,作为通讯作者在SciencePNASSystematic BiologyNature CommunicationsMolecular Ecology等国际顶级学术期刊上发表研究论文50余篇。


  In many respects, Southeast Asia is a singular evolutionary arena. Like the rest of the world, it has been subject to ~20 Quaternary cold epochs (‘ice ages’), but more so than any other region, it has undergone extreme fluctuations in the distribution of land across the world’s most complex island realm, the Indonesian Archipelago. In modern times, Southeast Asia has become one of the most densely inhabited regions on Earth, highly affected by the modern environmental crisis. In this talk, we will explore the pronounced impact that Southeast Asia’s unique history has had on the evolutionary trajectories of its birds and other vertebrate biota, and how the recent anthropogenic change has impacted its species in terms of genetic diversity loss.